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Motor Finance Online (18/09/24) - Automotive firms failing to identify vulnerable customers: Comentis
The duty of care assessment company, Comentis , has released data showing a significant gap between the number of vulnerable customers...
Money Marketing (19/11/24) - Advise Wise streamlines support for vulnerable clients
Advise Wise launches Comentis integration for all users
Professional Adviser (26/11/24) - Identification remains the weakest link in vulnerability assessments
Jonathan Barrett discusses how advisers can get better at up front vulnerability identification
Latest Articles
A Best Practice Guide: our five top tips when working with vulnerable clients
In March 2024, the FCA announced that it will be conducting a new review into firms’ understanding and response to the needs of...
Why identification is so crucial in supporting vulnerable clients
With nearly a year having passed since Consumer Duty came into effect, we regularly hear how pleased firms are with the interventions...
What’s the difference between a vulnerability and a vulnerable circumstance?
With six months under our belts since the implementation of the FCA’s Consumer Duty, many firms have implemented processes that will...
We Don’t Know What We Don’t Know
For those of you that are aware of the knowledge quadrant, you will be familiar with the phrase ‘You don’t know, what you don’t know’. If...
How do I know if it’s an unwise mental capacity decision?
This is a question we come across a lot in both the acute and community setting. So, first things first, what do we mean by an unwise...
Five common mistakes made by Mental Capacity Assessors
In my experience as quality monitoring team leader, having reviewed and supported over 500 mental capacity assessments for many different...
Resilience and Mental Capacity
It's a well-known fact that resilience and mental health are closely connected. Good resilience helps promote good mental health and poor...
What does 'Mental Health' mean?
‘Mental Health’ is one of those phrases that has become common place and thankfully is something that society in general is now more...
Top 5 challenges faced by clinical staff in identifying capacity issues in their patients
As we know, the Mental Capacity Act (2005) provided us with a theoretical framework for the assessment of mental capacity. However,...
Top 10 Tips for Reducing your Patients' Stress during a Mental Capacity Assessment
Having your mental capacity assessed can be an intimidating experience, no matter who you are. Even if you know why an assessment is...
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